Allergies and Holistic Healing

BOOK IS OUT OF PRINT. Here is a thorough review of all types of allergies and sensitivities from environmental toxins to nutritional allergens. This book will help you determine if your diet or your environment is damaging your health. All kinds of ideas and tips will aide you in staying healthy.
When one thinks of allergies, it is the image of hayfields and floating pollen that often comes to mind. It can help you determine if your diet or your environment is damaging your health. You will find this book to be a practical, informative, and valuable addition to any health library. Download related article here.
Natural Treatments for ADD and Hyperactivity

BOOK IS OUT OF PRINT. Here is a guide on how to overcome the related behavioral problems of ADD and hyperactivity. Dr. Weintraub points out the many causes of this disorder, including nutritional, environmental, and physiological factors, as well as natural treatments. There is a guideline for parents and teachers to follow.
Dr. Weintraub gives specific, technical information pertinent to the causes, symptoms, and natural treatments of ADD and hyperactivity. This authoritative handbook is a powerful tool perfect for fighting the ever-increasing occurrence of ADD. Download related article here.
The Bacteria Menace

BOOK IS OUT OF PRINT. Today, there is a dramatic rise in chronic and unexplainable illnesses. Mainstream solutions to these conditions are often too little, too late. Many medical experts now believe that today's most menacing health threat is harbored within the body and causing these illnesses. Learn how to treat chronic health problems because of this overgrowth of bacteria.
Dr. Weintraub outlines how bacteria may be at the root of many of today's chronic health conditions, as well as how to effectively build immunity and protect one's self from these dangerous agents and without the help of antibiotics.
Citing recent research and case studies throughout history on the subject, she argues that the body's "inner terrain" is where the battle for health is really won or lost. Void of hyper this timely and revealing book is a practical guide to understanding how to best protect yourself from threatening pathogens through strengthening your body's inner defenses. Download related article here.
The Parasite Menace

BOOK IS OUT OF PRINT. The presence of parasites is much more common that most people think. Commonly found parasites put infection rates among North Americans as high as 85%. Learn how to prevent, detect, and rid yourself of parasites using diet and nutrition, herbal and supplemental therapies and more.
Dr. Weintraub educates the reader about parasites: how to prevent infection, detect their presence, and rid ourselves of them by using diet and nutrition, herbal and supplemental therapies, and other natural practices. She also examines proper hygiene practices, water filters, proper food handling, building the immune system, and other ways to decrease our risk of being infected with parasites.
Download related article here.